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Student Sorting Order

In some situations, you might want to display and print your students in a different order than the default last name, first name ordering.

This would happen for example, when a new student enters your class. In order to continue using your existing paper record keeping forms to record marks, you would write him/her at the bottom of your existing mark form. In order for this to be consistent with your gradebook, you would resort to place him/her at the bottom of the student list (sorted last).

The Sort Order function on the (Mtce) maintenance menu will allow you to do just that.

Once you enter sortorder, it will display your students with a number beside them starting at around 100 and going up by 5's. You can edit and change any of the numbers so that some of the numbers are ``in between'' other numbers in order to change the sorting order.

For example, if student A, B, C and D had numbers of 110, 115, 120, and 125 you could re-order them by changing C and D to 111 and 112 respectively. This would give you a sort order of A,C,D,B (110, 111,112,115) once you click on the ``Re-Order'' button. Once you are happy with the ordering of the students, simply go back to your subject by clicking the ``GB Main'' button.

This sorting order is stored as a hidden test with the student scores being their sorting order.

If you want to remove the special sort ordering, you can go to the Del/Ed Item function on the main menu and remove the item called sortorder. This will return the student ordering to the default lastname, firstname order.

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